How to Help Prevent Teeth Grinding
- Minimize or eliminate caffeinated drinks and foods such as coffee, tea, and chocolate.
- Avoid alcoholic beverages.
- Refrain from chewing on items (such as pens, pencils, or other items), and opening hair clips with your teeth.
- Avoid gum chewing or chewing on sticky foods such as candy (chewing conditions the jaw muscles to adapt to chronic clenching and increases the likeliness of grinding).
- Try to be mindful when clenching or grinding of teeth, this occurs during the day and deliberately focus on stopping. One strategy that may be helpful when grinding is noticed is to place the tongue between the teeth.
- Place a warm compress against the cheek, and position it in front of the earlobe (this helps to relax the jaw muscles).
- Wear a night guard/ night splint.
- Exercise regularly to reduce stress.
- Take a warm, relaxing bath before going to bed at night.
- Employ relaxation techniques and/or meditation to help alleviate stress.
- Get a massage to reduce muscle tension.
- Get professional help for anxiety, severe stress, anger, or emotional problems, which can all lead to clenching and grinding.