Mouthguard Protection is Important.

Certain sports and activities carry a high risk of falling or resulting in injuries that can impact your teeth and face. A mouthguard can help to protect your teeth and prevent them from injuring your lips or tongue.

It’s especially important to use a mouthguard if you’re involved in any of the following:

  • Football
  • Soccer
  • Boxing
  • Basketball
  • Field hockey
  • Ice hockey
  • Gymnastics
  • Skateboarding
  • In-line skating
  • Cycling
  • Volleyball
  • Softball
  • Wrestling

In most cases, a stock mouthguard or a boil-and-bite mouthguard is a cheaper option for protection while you play sports. Stock mouthguards are the least expensive and may be a good option if you only need to wear one occasionally.
While slightly more expensive, boil-and-bite mouthguards offer a slightly better fit, which helps them stay in place.

If you participate in high-impact sports, custom made mouthguards by your dentist is the best choice for your protection.