Common Problems in Children’s Teeth.
Tooth Decay.
Decay is an issue for children, especially early in life. Their decay issues can stem from poor diet, poor oral hygiene, or genetics.
Sensitive Teeth.
This can happen because of soft tissue issues from not bushing to gums as well as the teeth. If plaque is allowed to remain on the teeth, it is an irritant to the soft tissue and the teeth. or poor diet resulting in decay in the teeth.
Excessive Thumb Sucking.
This can mal-align the teeth forcing them into a forward position in the majority of cases. Limiting or stopping thumb sucking should occur at an early age to prevent early orthodontic intervention in some cases
Orthodontic Problems.
Children can have heredity/ congenital family traits that can cause orthodontic issues, for example congenitally missing teeth is a common factor, skeletal discrepancies can also attribute to orthodontic issues. These need to be assessed and addressed by your dentist, who can either refer to a specialist or in mild cases be monitored for change as the child grows. and be treated at the dental clinic.
Gingivitis and Gum Disease.
This problem usually occurs due to poor oral hygiene or cleaning habits. There are some health issues than can impact on the soft tissues of the mouth and your dentist can monitor the situation, to see if change occurs through better hygiene or whether a specialist need to be involved. Usually, these issues can be taken care of by your general dentist.