Children’s Dentistry
We, at Smile House, truly appreciate many parents placing their trust in the hands of our dental team to look after their children’s dental health.
Starting your child at seeing the dentist for their very first time, can be a very daunting experience for many children. Making the experince a fun time for children, can help alleviate this, or any negative feelings they may have. Treat the appointment as an ordinary event rather than making a big deal of it. There are many children’s book that describe a dental visit, and we recommend you read one before the visit to help prepare your child before they arrive at the practice.
It is usually a great idea for parents to set up their children’s first dental appointment, commencing as early as 6 months-old, when they are having their regular check-ups themselves; so that the child gets used to sights, smells, and the dental team.
It is best for a young child to be seen first thing in the morning, as their acceptance of new experiences is higher than the afternoon when they are tired.
We want to make a positive impact of the whole dental experience for your child for the long-term; so, they feel confident for the rest of their lives in “going to the dentist”. Children who have regular preventative care visits, are more comforable with visiting the dentist, tend to have fewer problems and less likely to be afraid of dental treatments.
It is important that your child’s first vist to the dentist is as early as possible rather than waiting for problems to occur. The Australian Dental Association recommends that biannual visits to the dentist start at 6 months of age. At 6 months, we can check for any abnormalities, but more importantly, we can advise you on ideal diet requirements and good habits to help avoid the need for your child to ever have fillings.
It can be helpful sometimes to place your child on your lap instead of in the chair for the dental check. It’s common for very young children not to let the dentist look at their teeth on the first visit; remaining positive an taking time is the key. Don’t let your fears or phobias affect them!
During our visit we can discuss and check for:
- Dental or jaw skeletal abnormalities or discrepancies
- Eruption times for dentition
- Cavities
- Diet
- Fluoride application
- Fissure Sealants in deep pits and fissures in teeth
- Orthodontic treatment requirements
Your comfort and your child’s comfort are of paramount importance to us!